Ted Coney's Virtual Tour

Artist, Ted Coney was expecting to take his 1931 Morris Minor to the V.E. celebrations in Ely next week, until it was cancelled because of the pandemic.

He was also hoping to open his pop-up art gallery (Ted Coney’s Family Portraits) for the twelfth season but this has also been postponed for the same reason. The Morris is part of the tour as it appears in some of his paintings.

However, you can still see Ted’s family paintings by taking the virtual tour from his website. At the cost of 99p, with all proceeds going to NHS Charities Together, you get to experience four of Ted’s paintings, in a nine minute film.

 In the virtual tour Ted appears ‘flying’ back in time in his Morris to  1930s Hollywood, to explain about one of his paintings entitled ‘Dear Reginald Owen’. Ted’s virtual tour (including free trailer) can be obtained from his website: 

